Code Review Etiquette

Pubudu Dilshan
3 min readSep 17, 2024

1️⃣ Why is code review important in the development process?

Code review ensures code quality, improves team collaboration, and helps identify bugs or potential improvements early in the development process. For Swift, which emphasizes readability and safety, code review is especially important to maintain these aspects across the codebase.


In a Swift project, you might have functions using optionals. During a code review, a colleague might notice that you haven’t unwrapped an optional safely, which could lead to a runtime crash.

2️⃣ What are the key aspects to consider during a code review?

Key aspects to consider in a Swift code review include:

  • Readability: Is the code easy to understand? Does it follow Swift best practices?
  • Performance: Are there areas that could be optimized for Swift’s performance characteristics (e.g., memory usage, SwiftUI optimizations)?
  • Correctness: Does the code handle edge cases, and are there potential bugs (e.g., force unwrapping, optional handling)?
  • Conformity to Swift Style Guide: Does it use naming conventions, error handling, and Swift’s guard or if let statements effectively?


In a review, you might notice a piece of code unnecessarily using a force unwrap (!), which can lead to runtime crashes.

3️⃣ How can you provide constructive feedback in a code review?

Constructive feedback should focus on improving the code rather than criticizing the author. Use clear, actionable language and offer alternatives. For example, if you notice a Swift function with poor performance, explain why it’s inefficient and suggest a solution.

Original Code:

“Instead of appending in each iteration, you can initialize the array with a predefined capacity. This reduces resizing and improves performance.”

4️⃣ Describe the etiquette for receiving and responding to code review comments.

When receiving feedback:

  • Stay open-minded: Avoid taking comments personally; the goal is to improve the code, not critique the person.
  • Ask for clarification: If you don’t understand a comment, ask politely for more context.
  • Acknowledge feedback: Even if you don’t agree with the suggestion, acknowledge the reviewer’s effort and explain your reasoning.

When responding:

  • Thank the reviewer: It’s a collaborative process, and appreciation fosters a positive environment.
  • Make changes promptly: Show that you value the feedback by addressing concerns quickly.
  • Provide explanations if necessary: If you disagree with a suggestion, explain why you think your approach works better.


  • Reviewer: “This function could be optimized by avoiding the use of nested loops.”
  • Response: “Thanks for the suggestion! I’ve replaced the nested loops with a more efficient algorithm. Let me know if this looks better now.”

